Write For Us Add Guest Post

We are looking talented writers for guest post to our tech website blog of UnitedWebSoft.com , Major Topics related with Technology, IT Services, Domain & Hosting, E-commerce, software Development, Web & App Design, Development, Graphic Design, Logo Design, Digital Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Content Marketing, Game, Android, SEO, Advertising, Branding etc.

Guest Post Guidelines:

Greetings, and thank you for your interest in contributing to our UnitedWebSoft.com IT service provider/agency listing website of USA .
UnitedWebSoft.com is seeking new contributors to our blog ! It is our goal to bring you the best content in the industry.

At UnitedWebSoft.com, our mission is to deliver top-notch content that empowers our readers to stay informed, make educated decisions, and thrive in their business ventures. We prioritize quality, relevance, and usefulness in every piece we publish.
If you have a compelling story, valuable insights, or actionable tips to share, we invite you to submit your guest post for consideration. Together, let's create content that inspires, educates, and empowers our readers to succeed.

What is Guest Posting or Write for us?

Guest posting, or "write for us," involves contributing content to another website as a guest author. It allows individuals or businesses to showcase their expertise, reach a new audience, and build credibility. Hosting websites benefit from fresh perspectives, diverse voices, and improved SEO & traffix. Guest posting fosters collaboration and knowledge sharing within online communities. Overall, it's a mutually beneficial practice that enriches content offerings and expands reach.

Why Write for UnitedWebSoft.com ?

Writing for UnitedWebSoft.com offers several compelling reasons:

  • Exposure: Reach a wide audience of engaged readers interested in web development, software engineering, and digital marketing.
  • Credibility: Showcase your expertise and establish yourself as an authority in your field by contributing valuable content to a reputable platform.
  • Networking: Connect with like-minded professionals, industry experts, and potential collaborators within the UnitedWebSoft.com community.
  • Backlinks: Gain valuable backlinks to your own website or blog, boosting your SEO and driving traffic to your online properties.
  • Contribution: Share your insights, experiences, and perspectives to educate and inspire others, making a meaningful impact in the digital realm.
  • We rank very high in the search engines, so people will see your article.

What does it cost?

We don't charge (It's free) for high-quality and long-form unique content (at least 800 words). For short content.
Please email us to get the price. contact@unitedwebsoft.com

1. Topics:

We publish articles on the following categories:
  • Marketing and Advertising
  • Technology and Innovation
  • Digital Marketing
  • E-commerce and Online Business
  • Web design, development
  • Gaming
  • IT Services
  • Domain & Hosting
  • software Development
  • Web & App Design, Development
  • Graphic Design
  • Logo Design
  • Digital Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Game
  • Android
  • SEO
  • Advertising
  • Branding

2. Content length:

We encourage articles with a word count ranging from 800 to 2000 words to provide thorough coverage of topics. Long-form content is preferred as it allows for in-depth exploration and analysis.

3. Language:

We prefer UK/Australian English.

4. Links:

  • - Ensure all data and statistics cited in your article are accompanied by a link to the original source to maintain accuracy and credibility.
  • - Only one backlink to your website is permitted, and it will be a dofollow link for SEO benefits.
  • - Author bios are not permitted in our articles.
  • - We reserve the right to remove or classify as nofollow any links that we deem irrelevant.
  • - Prohibited connections include those promoting questionable sites, such as affiliate links.

5. Images:

Featured photographs should adhere to the dimensions of 800 x 600 pixels to ensure optimal display. You are welcome to supplement your essay with additional photos or diagrams that contribute to its richness. All images used must be free from third-party copyright protection to avoid legal issues.

6. Submission process:

To submit your article ideas or topics, kindly fill out the form below. Be sure to include a link to your website and any relevant past articles for our reference. If you have already written an article that aligns with our content, you may share it with us via a Google Doc link. We look forward to reviewing your submissions and potentially featuring your work on our platform. Thank you for your interest and contribution.

7. Publication process:

Thank you for reaching out to us. Our team will review your submission within 1 - 5 business days after you fill out the form. While we strive to respond promptly, please understand that due to the high volume of guest post requests, we may not be able to reply to all submissions. If you do not hear from us within 7 days, it is likely that your request has been denied.

If your article idea or piece is selected for publication, our editorial staff will contact you to discuss further steps. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Guest Post Submission Request Form:

UnitedWebSoft.com has a large directory of top IT companies in USA that provide various services like software Development, Web & App Development, Graphic Design, Logo Design, Digital Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Content Marketing etc
Please note that UnitedWebSoft.com only serves as a platform for listing business and services. We do not participate in any financial transactions between businesses and their customers. If you choose to make a payment directly to a business listed on our website, please note that UnitedWebSoft.com is not responsible for any financial transactions or disputes that may arise. We strongly recommend that you exercise caution when making payments directly to businesses and always verify their credentials before making any financial transactions. Thank you for using UnitedWebSoft.com.